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Felsina Berardenga Olio- Olive Oil


LUXURY OLIVE OIL- Family wineries in Tuscany have a long history of growing olive oil trees on their properties. The Felsina wine estate has been in development among several families for more than a thousand years. Following the same philosophies of terroir used for their wine, Felsina is dedicated to growing four olive varieties in distinct respective terroirs in order to optimize their characteristics and quality of production. This bottling, the Berardenga estate, is an extra-virgin olive oil made of all varieties grown– blended to embody the character of Tuscany and the Felsina Estate. It has a remarkable intensity of bitter and peppery properties – while exhibiting balance with spice and herbaceous essences. (1/2 Liter or 16.9oz) 

Berardenga extravirgin olive oil is a marriage of the olive varieties grown at Fèlsina, a blend in which each succeeds in expressing its own personality. This has enabled us to craft an oil that embodies the character of Tuscany and of our entire estate. Appearing a luminous green, it stands out for the remarkable intensity of its bitter and peppery properties, beautifully balanced with spice and herbaceous essences. It is the perfect accompaniment to Mediterranean dishes, vegetables, red meats, aged cheeses, as well as fine international dishes.

After being picked, the olives are separated from the leaves and washed in running water, then the pulp is separated from the stone. Just the olive pulp goes in the malaxer, where it is kneaded at a temperature of 25°C; this process varies in length depending on the growing year and on the olive variety. The paste then goes into the decanter, which centrifuges it to separate out the oil from the vegetal water and low-quality pomace oil. Finally, the oil is filtered.

Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva.

Type of cultivar
Pendolino, Moraiolo, Raggiolo, Leccino.

Growing Area
All Olive tree of Fèlsina.

Olive tree density

Training system
Vase-shaped, Vase bush, Monocone.


With pitting machine.

Olive tree age
The olive groves were planted partly in the 60s, and the youngest in the 80s.